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Transfer to Poros


Arrivederci, Roma, and welcome to Greece!

After yesterday’s excursion to beautiful Ostia beach, our crew enjoyed their last Roman gelatos and a final few hours of taking in the Eternal City. Sam Blyth himself joined us for dinner to share a few words of wisdom, and of course some delicious pasta.

This morning began bright and early with a 6 a.m. breakfast call – up before the bells for the nuns! Our scholar adventurers grabbed a quick bite and loaded themselves and their luggage onto the bus. We were on the road by 7 a.m., our passing through observed one last time by the majestic Colosseum in the morning sun.

Our team packed according to directions and had a seamless transition through check-in and security. Their efficiency was rewarded by a piano at the gate, just waiting for Canadian hands to tickle the ivories. We have a talented bunch!

A quick two hour flight over stunning turquoise waters brought us to sunny Greece. Shortly after, our adventurers split into two: Group A to the sailboats, and Group B to the bus and on their way to Poros.

A packed travel day ended in a delicious Greek dinner, a serene night by the beach, and for our friends on the boats, a stunning sunset. (Don’t worry – Group B caught the sunset on the ferry to Poros!)

Group B will be our islanders for the next few days while Group A exercises their sea legs!  Class resumes tomorrow morning and our scholars will enjoy a new set of surroundings as they continue their studies.




Activity Coordinator