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Sam Blyth Visits Grand Tour Europe: Departure 1 Program


Dear Parents and Families,
I visited and spoke to the students on the Grand Tour #1 in Barcelona last night. It was a beautiful evening and quite cool for the time of year after a day of rain. The city is bustling and the group, having benefited from a good night’s rest after the flight, was in healthy and high spirits.
I spoke to the students about the history and culture of both Catalonia and Spain and all that it has to offer. I visited the country first when I was their age and I encouraged them to find their passion for a country which has such a diversity of attractions from the snows of the Pyrenees in the north to the beaches of Marbella in the south.
The program is superbly led and taught by a staff with decades of experience working with us. They are warm and empathetic and are very keen to take their teaching outdoors as they explore the Continent.
Thank you for entrusting your children to us. They are in very good hands and having a wonderful time.
With best wishes,
Sam Blyth,
Global Summers Academy.