A Final Message from the Program Manager
End-of-Program Message from Diane
As I’m writing this, the kids are writing their final exams, and I’m looking back over the past 25 days they have spent together. When our group travels back to Toronto tomorrow, these kids will be taking loads of new memories with them.
We spent our first days in Playa del Coco, and for most students, these days were an introduction to group travel. The group bonded quickly (even at the airport before, we took off from Toronto). In those first few days, they started to get settle into new friendships and get used to life with roommates. At the same time, the kids dove headfirst into the rigorous schedule of their classes.
After about a week, a bus ride away from the coast took us into the hill town of Monteverde. The open air and relaxed pace of life in this region were a welcome change for our group. Students were able to focus full days on their Biology and English courses. Each day, they read, analyzed, discussed, wrote, and explored all sorts of new topics, from Shakespearean drama to mitosis and meiosis. The days were long, but their learning and memories will last much, much longer.
We moved on to the Arenal, and took 2 days for a volcano hike, then some much needed relaxation in the hot springs.
As we return to Canada, back to our homes, our loved ones, and our daily lives, our students might take some time to re-adjust. In these weeks away, they have gained much academically, but I think they have learned even more than the Math, English, and Biology they studied. They have learned to be more adaptable in new settings and have seen more about the value of patience in trying situations. They have become more curious about other people, foods, communities, and traditions. They know the value of looking out for one another and supporting new friends. They have seen first-hand that experiential learning is an amazing opportunity — one they will not forget.
On behalf of our amazing staff (Trevor, Doreen, Chris, Kelly, Jeremy, Jessy) and myself, I want to thank all of our students for helping to make our Costa Rica program great. I wish all of you a very happy welcome home. I hope you start planning your next journey soon!
Happy travels,
Diane Vaughan
Program Manager
Costa Rica July Program (Grade 11/12)
Global Summers Academy