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Senior year in high school goes by much faster than you might think. Often, you suddenly find yourself thinking about your next steps.

Maybe you have been dreaming of your ultimate career for years or have no idea what you want to do. Some college applications will ask for specific details and experiences to show how serious you are about their program and how it will help you advance into your chosen career.

Exploring the field you are considering in another country can give you valuable experience and insight. Being able to travel and experience life in other cultures also helps you broaden your horizons and thoughts about what there is to offer.

Gain Work and Life Experiences

Getting work experience is valuable and helps prepare you for things like working full-time and interacting in professional settings.

Life experience also teaches us many lessons to help with the different choices we face daily, personal or work-related.

The opportunity to travel and study in another country for a few weeks or longer allows you to experience life in other cultures and settings. This broadens your view of the world and, with the right course, can also help you decide if your chosen career is right for you.

Thus, working and studying abroad will teach you skills that will not only look impressive in future applications but will also prove to be invaluable in your daily life.

Increase Cultural Appreciation

There are many careers that need to consider other people’s cultures in order for work to be carried out properly.

This could be in areas such as the medical field, education, and archeology, for example. So, understanding different cultures and how they view work in these fields and learning about what’s important to others, can give you an insider’s view of what to expect.

Appreciating other cultures helps you understand if the path you are considering is right for you, as it may not be as straightforward as you first envisioned.

Expand Your Language Skills

While English is still the dominant language used today, others are starting to show just as much importance in the business world.

For example, Japanese, Chinese, and French are just some of the languages that are now in more demand than they were a few decades ago.

Studying abroad allows you to become immersed in the country’s language and helps you become more fluent as you are required to practise it daily. Soon, you will be speaking it like a local and not even realize it.

Explore Different Regions

A study abroad program doesn’t mean you are limited to the city or town where the program takes you. When you have downtime away from studies and coursework, you can explore the area and local towns.

There are places where tourists don’t normally travel to. Often, these are the areas where you can get the most out of your travel experience. More traditional foods, “real” cultural experiences, and information provided by the locals can teach you more about a place than most tourist spots.

Learn Multitasking

At home, we get used to a certain way of life. There are things we are expected to do, like daily chores. Then, there are things that others may take care of for us, such as preparing our meals.

Studying abroad puts all this on your shoulders. Suddenly, you are now responsible for more than just going to school. You may need to budget, go grocery shopping, and help around the home you are staying in while learning the language so that you can communicate.

You also have to plan things to do on your days off with friends and new people you meet.

These immensely valuable skills will help you discover what you are good at and what you may need to work on a bit more. Are you ready to face the challenges that await you in college, or is taking more time off to work on other skills the best route to go?

Attract Potential Employers

Of course, learning new skills and gaining life experience is great for you, but why would potential employers care about how you spend your summers? Travel, study, and even working abroad show potential employers who you are as a person.

It demonstrates your willingness to learn and go outside of your comfort zone. It also shows your adaptability and resourcefulness to new situations in unknown territory.

While travel is generally good for you, it’s also an impressive item to list on your resume for employers. It will be equally impressive on your college or university application.

Become the Outstanding Candidate

When applying for college or a job, there are many factors that can make a candidate stand out from the crowd. While impressive test results go a long way in showing how “book smart” you are, it’s the life experiences that can take your application to the next step.

By doing just one study abroad program, you can set yourself above the rest. The immersion in a different country and culture that appeals to you and your desired career will say more about you than the rest of the application.

You will gain useful life experiences, and the college or employer will also gain a more worldly and knowledgeable person.

Study Abroad Programs: Contact Global Summers Academy

Global Summers Academy offers programs for high school-aged participants that are designed to submerge them into a world of new experiences, cultures, and education opportunities, all of which can be the stepping stone to a future career.

Even if you are unsure about what you want to do in your career, the experience itself is not one to be missed.

The programs are led by professional educators who are well-versed in the country of your choice and the study materials so that you will get the most out of the entire experience.

You can call us at 1-844-357-2621 or visit us online today to see what exciting opportunities await.