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Fun in Firenze!

July 21st, 2023

We were told it was going to be hot in Florence but as a group we were prepared and loved all the opportunities we had here as a group.  In a short 3 days we were able to really get to know the lay of land in Florence. Quickly, the students knew where to go to get to town or dinner, everyone really was able to explore the city of Florence.

Yesterday, an optional excursion to Pisa left in the morning and returned in the late afternoon before dinner. The short bus ride lead straight to a wonderful lunch with lots of pizza, salad and tiramisu. The energy they needed to brave the sun in Pisa to get some excellent pictures in front of the iconic monument of Pisa. Our guided tour was informative and not too long to avoid the heat as much as we could. Everyone came home with lots of memories and some great pictures to share with home in just a few short days!

We have moved around a great deal all over Europe.  We have stayed in 7 cities and visited another 2 cities for guided tours. The resiliency in this group of young adults has been amazing to witness. This morning at our 7:45am breakfast, students were smiling and excited about our last stop in Rome. Today we are traveling by coach bus and arriving at our hotel after lunch.  This afternoon we will have some time by the pool, before heading out to explore the city and get to know the metro and bus routes near our hotel. Everyone is excited about our last stop but also hesitant because they know this amazing journey is going to end soon.  Our staff are eternally grateful for such a wonderful group of students.

We hope you are enjoying our blog posts and the Instagram account pictures/posts. Thank you for the positive feedback.

Take care,

Jason – Program Manager