Day 15 & 16: Coco
Day 15: On Wednesday we celebrated our third birthday of the trip. Happy birthday to Patrick!
We had a full day of classes, followed by a fun bio activity with Ms Kelly’s class. The 11s and 12s made butterflies which camouflaged with the environment around the hotel. The English students spent some time trying to find the butterflies and collecting data, which will be used for a grade 12 population dynamics lab.
Day 16: Another full day of classes today! But lots to look forward to in the evening. Several students participated in the optional cooking excursion, making platacones, tortilla chips, pico de gallo, and guacamole. Everything looked and tasted amazing! Thank you to Miriam, Wendy, and Erick for teaching us. The best part was they showed us dishes that would be easy to recreate at home.
After dinner some students signed up for painting with Ashley. Everyone made a beautiful canvas that they get to take home!