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Day 14: Sunrise and Beach Day


Friday, August 9th

Chasing the Sunrise and Beach Day

A group of 12 dedicated students woke up very early this morning so that we could depart from our hotel at 5AM in pursuit of the Roman sunrise. We settled on the Colosseum as our first destination. After a short bus ride, we arrived just in time for the golden hour. We had the entire Colosseum to ourselves. We snapped a lot of pictures and watched the sun come up behind the Colosseum. We then walked past the Roman Forum and headed to the Trevi Fountain. We couldn’t believe how many people were there at 6:35 in the morning. After another photo shoot, we decided to treat ourselves at the nearby instafamous coffee shop. The pistachio croissant were worth the wait in line.

We then headed back to the hotel for breakfast. Half of our group then headed to Maccarese Beach for a relaxing day of tanning, lounging and playing in the waves. Our English and Photography classes continued with their lessons in the city followed by a free afternoon in the city for some shopping and gelato.

In the evening, students enjoyed their final night in Rome.

 We are very excited for Florence tomorrow!


Program Manager

Italy August