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A Walk In The Clouds


The Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve. WOW! What a surreal experience walking through one of the four cloud forests in the world. The biodiversity, the lush flora, everywhere we looked was something amazing! We were up for a 6:30am breakfast and out the door this morning. When we arrived at the preserve our tour guides took us through the forest and showed us all the wonders it had to offer. Our groups saw snakes, hummingbirds, monkeys, coatis (with babies!!) and so much more! Did you know one large avocado tree could have 2 tons of other plant life living on it!? Did you know some of the 500 species of orchid that live in the forest are so small it takes a magnifying glass to see? So many interesting facts learned from our time in the forest!

After the tour we headed for some lunch and then class in the afternoon. The students also got some free time to unwind after a long day before dinner. Students are also having a good time around the pool table and some have even reserved time in the outdoor jacuzzi. Some of us are going to find it hard to leave this amazing place!